We developed the Island Flex House design concept for
Jumby Bay, a private Island off Antigua, where lots averaged about two and a half acres in size. The concept is based on the idea that each room is a building. This works well in an Island setting because it allows each room to be well ventilated with natural trade winds and provides a high degree of plan flexibility and privacy for houses that are basically enclosed outdoor spaces. It also allows villa compounds to be easily expanded with additional guest bedrooms without disruption to the existing house.

Flexibility of placing building components on site allow maximum advantage to be taken of view or wind conditions, which can be a governing design criteria in some Island environments.

Very different houses can be made from some simple common building components, as illustrated in this post. Simple easy construction is essential when building in some third world countries, and can help logistically when building on Islands where transportation costs and
accessibility of building materials matter. The following posts show some of the building components used to create an Island Flex House design.